The Pillars of Strategic Thought: Negotiation, Compulsion and Destruction Applied to the Argentine Case


  • Camilo Gioffreda UBA


Armed Forces, negotiation, destruction, Argentina´'s foreign policy


What are the actions that are executed in the United States? How was the determination of the Argentine Republic when it had to face different scenarios and stages of conflict? This article seeks answers to these questions from a realistic perspective of international relations. In this sense, we will approach the strategic options, the relationship, the compulsion and the destruction, and the fundamental principles of the strategy. Also, to illustrate the present strategic model, we will develop the case studies that involve the Argentine Republic. The end of this methodology will be the basis to provide an empirical basis that the sea of utility to show the importance of the military factor as a capacity of power with which the state must safeguard the interests of its foreign policy and influence the rest of the political units.






Teoría, Análisis e Investigación