The Field of Political Communication: the Place of the Government Communication


  • Florencia Ríspolo


political communication, government communication, areas of study, state of the art, representation ties


This article aims to be a state of the art in political communication, especially about one of its areas, government communication. In the first place, there will be a review about transformation of there presentation frames, with the purpose of justifying the importance of the analysis of political communication. The work is the nimmersed in the analysis of the field in question. Apart of this, the paper begins to offer some definitions that help to delineate the notion of political communication and establish a distinction that allows ordering the academic contributions that appear in this area of study. The work finally focuses on communication that happens in the period between the elections, the government communication, in order to classify and reflect on the workflows that have been consolidated in recent years.





Teoría, Análisis e Investigación