The Silent Scream of the Century: Reflections on the New? Rights and Common Life
Right field, Far right, Alt-Righ, Social Contract, RetropiaAbstract
The emergence of different groups and discursivities within the family of the right has promoted an important literature in political science, and social sciences in general, which tries to explain from “old” concepts, such as extreme right, neo-Nazism, post-fascism, or “new” such as those of the Alt-Right and radical right. However, we warn that these political options, regardless of how they are conceptualized, have in common that they constitute retropia that attempt a return to an idealized past where it was “better”: the family, the church, the country side, the town.In this paperwe argue that such expressions arereflections of the shock of some of the foundations of capitalist modernity thatweexpress as a crisis of the idea of the social contract, condensation of modern institutionality to make common life possible.