From Conceptual History to Political Philosophy. Reflections on the Theoretical Proposal of Giuseppe Duso and the School of Padua
conceptual history (begriffsgeschichte), Duso, Koselleck, Weber, HobbesAbstract
The work of Giuseppe Duso and the School of Padua develops a critical reception of the Conceptual History [Begriffsgeschichte]. The present article analyses Duso’s theoretical approach and states there are two levels or dimensions of his critique to the Begriffsgeschichte. Firstly, there is an
epistemological level, which consists in questioning the Weberian trace in Koselleck’s approach. Such argument allows Duso to postulate the modern determination of Weber categories and relate them with Hobbes’ political theory. Secondly, we point a philosophical-political disagreement that leads Duso to affirm the need of going forward the conceptual dispositive instituted by Modernity and which also crosses Conceptual History work itself. The article concludes stating that the “Conceptual History as Political Philosophy”, expression under which Duso summarizes the critical attempt of the School of Padua, implies the rejection of the Conceptual History in their theoretical grounds.