Peripheral states facing their geopolitical interests: the case of Argentina in the South Atlantic


  • Ezequiel Magnani UTDT


geopolitics, South Atlantic, foreign policy, defense policy, peripheral realism


 What is the behavior of weak states that are close to spaces considered by them as geopolitically strategic? What behavior should we expect when these geopolitically important spaces are, in turn, contested with other, more powerful states? This article will try to answer these questions, considering that Argentina is a State that always considered its projection to the South Atlantic as something worthy of attention. On the one hand, several Argentine geopolitical thinkers have in common the consideration of the South Atlantic as a priority region for the country. On the other hand, Argentine politicians have ratified the importance of the southern region through the implementation of foreign policies aimed at consolidating the country’s presence in that region. In this scenario, the article proposes to use the theory of Peripheral Realism to analyze the behavior of Argentina in recent years based on its geopolitical interests.





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