Peronism and University Reform: roots of a disagreement. A look from his crib. Córdoba (1943-1955)


  • César Tcach Conicet


peronism, university reform, university policies, National University of Córdoba, Córdoba


The disagreement between Peronism and university reformism has its roots in a triple order of factors the cleavage secularismclericalism, the impact of the Second World War on cultural political alignments division between “aliadófilos” and supporters of the Eje- and thirdly, the university policies carried out first by the regime of June 1943 and then by the elected president, Colonel Juan Domingo Perón. The analysis proposed in this article, puts in dialogue the provincial reality centrated in the cradle place of the University Reform, the National University of Córdoba- with national policies. Pay special attention to the initiatives emanated from the National Executive Power, the actors in charge of implementing them and Peronismo y reforma universitaria: raices de un desencuentro the resistances generated in the student and teaching environment. It also offers an interpretation that correlates the weight of the old “antireformism” of a clerical matrix with the construction of a new hegemony of a statist matrix in Argentine universities. It is also highlighted that between 1946-55, the idea of including universities in an “organized community”, as well as the exercise of a systematic political repression, generated strong conflicts whose virulence was enhanced within the framework of a dynamic non-cooperative policy between government and opposition.





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