Changes and Continuities in Foreign Policy: the Kirchneristas Governments and Cambiemos Government


  • Constanza Mazzina UADE
  • Manuel González Cambel


Foreign Policy, Kirchnerism, Cambiemos, Pragmatism, Ideology


This article explores the continuities and changes in relation to foreign policy that has taken place between the governments of Kirchnerismo (Néstor Kirchner and the two periods of Cristina Fernández), which cover the years from 2003 to 2015, and the early stages of the Cambiemos’ administration, headed by Mauricio Macri. Based on concepts of ideology and pragmatism, we will cover foreign policy from 2003 to the present. The variables considered are: Argentina’s relationship with the United States, relations with the region, relations with international and regional organizations, and other actors on the scene. In summary, the article exposes that while kirchneristas periods were characterized by a defensive position of autonomy and highly discursive and selective relations, Argentina with Macri diversified the relations with a predominantly pragmatic position to reach the objective of inserting itself effectively in the globalized world.





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