The Confederación General del Trabajo and the Juventud Trabajadora Peronista in a Context of Rising Conflict within Peronist Movement
peronism, unionism, Juventud Trabajadora Peronista, repression, Confederación General del TrabajoAbstract
In this article we aim to study the relationship between the CGT and the JTP in a context of workers’ conflict, which was marked by the return of Peronism to power —a period that took place between 1973 and 1976—. Our purpose is to inquire into the political action of the Peronist union leadership, considering the ways in which it provided support to the government and sought to fulfill the assigned tasks: the purification of the Peronist movement and the safeguarding of trade unions against the rise of classism and the political organizations of the marxist and peronist left. For this purpose, we work with internal documents and statements of the main unions that led the CGT, newspapers and documents of Montoneros and their trade union tendency.