Chile: The Framework of Tripartism in the 90’s. A Review of Newspaper Coverage


  • Julio González Candia Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Francisco Zapata Schaffeld Centro de Estudios Sociológicos del Colegio de México


outline agreement, Chile, government, workers, businessmen


The present article tries to present how the agreement was planned and communicated
across the written press. It focuses on the outline of the agreement between the government, workers and businessmen in the Chilean case, at the beginning of the decade of the 90s. On the basis of a methodology for organizing newspaper reports, it was possible to conclude that there were positive results such as the capacity to summon the actors and being able to agree on positions and interests on some labor matters. But, it also had negative aspects for the hard-working class and more particularly, for the union movement. Additionally, it is relevant to mention that to study the tripartite outline agreement, allows to construct a platform to hypothesize and to generate some projections, respect of the political and economic viability to advance in the set of structural reforms of the president Michelle Bachelet, specially recounted to the
labor area.





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