Capacity: What Kind of Capacity and for Which Kind of State?]


  • Enzo Completa Universidad Nacional de Rosario


State capacity, contextual restriction, deficit, results, – institutional strengthening



This article inquires the reasons that explain the resurgence of the concept of State capacity in the area of public management taking into account the origin of discussions around capabilities within the field of studies of State and problematizing the different conceptions and existing theoretical approaches with particular attention to the reception of the concept and its implementation to the Argentinian case. In a second moment, it is pondered over possible gaps or deficits of capacity to then advance in the elaboration of a definition of instrumental character, far away from a perspective that is only interested in results, typical of the New Public Management model. Finally, some criteria are suggested for the elaboration of institutional strengthening strategies that improve the performance of the State.





Teoría, Análisis e Investigación