Reforms in Electoral Campaign Financing in Argentina and Deepening Democracy


  • Marcelo Borel IESP-UERJ


Elections, electorañ campaigns, political parties, electoral law, Argentina


The article analyzes the reforms promoted by Argentina in its legislation on the subject of campaign financing, since the 80s, from two perspectives: one legal and the other democratic. Discusses the historical development of these laws and how each of them works supporting or passing over the development of democratic values that underlie the practice of electoral financing, either: a) equity among voters, reducing the asymmetry of political preferences expression and of influence in the election; b) competition between candidates, preventing revenues and expenses for predicting the election results; c) the independence of parties, ensuring that it is not necessary to establish relationships of exchange of favors with lenders in exchange for resources; d) transparency making publicly available data on private funding. The objective is to understand how each law contributes or not to increase these values during the elections, deepening the country's democracy.





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