The (No) Political and Ideological Debate around the Nodal Nucleus of Menemist Hegemony. The Case of Significant Stability During the Sedimentation Stage of Neoliberal Order


  • Hernán Fair Conicet-UBA-UNQ


menemism, hegemony, establity, neoliberalism, discourse analysis


Menem’s government held a drastic process of structural change. Despite the magnitude of these changes, Menemism managed to modify successfully at least a portion of existent identities and traditions, building a cultural hegemony around neoliberal values. Numerous studies examined the construction of the Menemist hegemony. However, scarce research that starting from the discourse theory of Laclau, consider the hegemonic impact on interpellative subjects. The present study aims to contribute to fill this gap in the literature, based on a detailed analysis of the constructions and public media disputes over master significant stability, in the sedimentation stage of the neoliberal order. Focusing on interpellative discourses is aimed at a broader process that seeks to elucidate some aspects concerning to the interpellative efficacy of menemist hegemony.





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