Notes on the Princes of Il Principe (II)
Machiavelli, Principe, Bausi, Martelli, Il modoAbstract
Five hundred years are many or few years depending for what (purpose). In our view, the only revolution in the Machiavellian studies is to work for getting a better understanding of what he meant and how Machiavelli wrote what he wrote. The scholarly and scientiûc approach is the way to recognize (and restore) the nature of the Machiavelli’s work and legacy for what it was and not for what we would like it to be. Some time ago, we suggested that it was necessary to publish a new Spanish translation of The Prince that could address the current issues of the critical literature. This edition would be useful not only for the average reader but also for all those who are willing to study the Machiavelli’s writings. In a recent edition published by Ediciones Colihue, we found new evidence to draw attention to this need.