From "Impure Peronism" to "Pure Kirchnerism": The Construction of a New Political Identity During the Presidency of Néstor Kirchner in Argentina (2003-2007)


  • Ana Soledad Montero Conicet-UBA
  • Lucía Vincent Conicet-Unsam


kirchner, Kirchnerism, identity, Peronism, Argentina


During Néstor Kirchner’s term, a new political identity was constructed: “the Kirchnerist identity”. Kirchner came to power in 2003 supported by Peronism and being a total unknown to most of the voters. He then became a strong leader, counting with the approval of the public opinion. He established clear discrepancies with his main opponents, built strong alliances and maintained a special relationship with the Peronist party. In 2007, his wife, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, won the national elections with the 45% of the votes. This article’s objective is to generate, through presidential speeches and press articles, a periodization of Néstor Kirchner’s government, mainly focused on the development of this new political identity in Argentina.





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