Rethinking Political Career Paths. Perceptions of Congress People through a Gender Lents (Santa Fe, 1991-2015)


  • María Emilia Perri IHuCSoLitoral-CONICET-UNL


Congress, Gender, Perceptions, Career Path


Political science has been in charge of analyzing the way in which electoral systems incorporate women, the way in which public policies are designed and implemented for women and sexual dissidents, but is recent the analysis of subjectivities with regard to places of power. The present work intends to address the perceptions that legislators have of their political career path, thinking particularly about the ways in which gender affects it. For this, the eligible case for the analysis was the Legislature of the Province of Santa Fe during the period 1991-2015. Based on in-depth interviews to current and mandated legislators, it will be sought to rethink how gender influenced the construction of their political career and its link with other areas of life.





Teoría, Análisis e Investigación