Institutions, Sociabilities and New Leaderships. Three Perspectives for the Study of Entering Politics in Contemporary Argentina


  • Gabriel Levita Conicet


recruitment, entering politics, political field, leadership, representation


In this article we make a state of the art on studies about entering politics through elective positions. We reconstruct three perspectives from their theoretical foundations and the empirical research they have led to in Argentina in the last years: political science, political sociology and what we call new ways of representation. We develop their main conceptual and
empirical axes and we compare them by systematizing their major features and finding affinities both at theoretical and empirical levels. Also, the work shows that together with the usually considered disciplinary perspectives —the politological and the sociological— there is a third, which is less institutionalized and less autonomous, but has its own premises taken from political theory and political philosophy and its own research agenda.





Teoría, Análisis e Investigación