The Inertial Message. The Relationship Between Events and Publications on Mauricio Macri's Facebook


  • Rocío Annunziata UNSAM
  • Andrea F. Ariza UBA
  • Valeria Romina March Untref


social media, Mauricio Macri, Facebook, events, government communication


This paper aims to analyze the extent to which Mauricio Macri’s communication through his Facebook profile is related to unforeseen political events, significant dates, conflicts or falls in presidential popularity. The hypothesis assumes that publications in the social network do not depend in a general way on events that happen offline, do not respond or react to them. On the contrary, the president publishes in his Facebook account with a stable frequency and with a content detached from the political news. First, the paper analyzes the publications of Mauricio Macri in his Facebook account between February and December 2017, observing the stability in the daily frequency and, above all, in a set of significant dates or selected events; secondly, it addresses the content of the publications in those dates and highlights the absence of reference to the selected events.





Teoría, Análisis e Investigación