How Much We Won? How Much We Lost? Defense Bilateral Relationships between Argentina, US and China between 2005-2015


  • Lautaro Nahuel Rubbi Conicet-UADE
  • Trinidad Hunt UADE


peripheral realism, defense, China, United States, Argentina


We are faced to an unstable international context, conditioned by a relative decline of American power, primarily in the economic sphere and, to a lesser extent, on the military level. This scenario of multiple game boards and growing multi-polarity generates tensions and uncertainty in peripheral countries when framing its foreign policy. This paper presents an analysis of the bilate ral relationships in the defense sphere that Argentina had with the United States and with China in the last ten years, to identify the empirical consequences of Argentinian actions in either case. Based on the conceptual framework of peripheral realism, we analyze aspects related to arms trade, loans on defense, joint exercises and training of personnel, among other indicators.





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