Winners and Losers: Origin and Success of the Antiperonist Coalition within the Armed Forces against the Peronist Regime (1946-1955)


  • Benjamín García Holgado Conicet-Idaes-Unsam


political regime, process tracing, coup d’Etat, peronism, radicalization


This paper aims to describe the causes and mechanism that explain why the antiperonist coalition constituted at the end of 1954 could successfully put to an end the Peronist regime in 1955. For this, it utilizes Scott Mainwaring y Aníbal Pérez
Liñán’s theory of political regimes change (2013) through process tracing. This explanation establishes that the stability of a political regime depends on the amount of opposition actors in the coalition against it as a consequence of their level of political radicalization, their normative references and the international context. In this case, the preferences radicalization in conjunction with the normative preferences against the political regime were the crucial variables which explained the behavior of the main opposition actors within the Armed Forces.





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