Strict Compliance with the Law?: Liberal Interpretations of Legality (Argentina, 1955-1973)


  • Victoria Haidar Conicet


rule of law, liberalism, civil, political and social rights, dictatorship, Argentina


This article reconstructs the particular meanings that took the Rule of Law within the liberal camp, between 1955 and 1973. Based on the construction and analysis of a corpus of documents composed by texts wrote by Álvaro Alsogaray and Federico Pinedo, and by a series of articles published in the journal “Ideas of Liberty” published by the Center for Studies on Freedom, the article establish the senses that these discourses granted to different categories of rights (civil, politic and social rights) and clarifies the position that conferred to this rights in relation to de “problem” of the limits that law imposes to government. The article analyzes, also, the arguments justifying, in the interpretation of these authors and groups, the “break” with
the legal order that was the dictatorship.





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