It’s Raining, but There is “Happiness” in the City: A Portrait on 2013 Electoral Campaign’s Launching Event of the PRO Party’s Youth in Buenos Aires City


  • Pedro Núñez Conicet-Flacso
  • Alejandro Cozachcow UBA


youth, political participation, political parties, campaign, politicity


This paper analyzes the experiences of politicity on the youth militancy of Propuesta Republicana (PRO) party in Buenos Aires city. From an approach that proposes intersections between political science, anthropology, political sociology and youth studies, this article aims to make contributions on the knowledge about the character of youth political participation in contemporary Argentina. First, we present an overview on studies about the relationships between youth and politics, and then, we characterize the party’s youth organizations. On a second moment, the experiences of politicity are analyzed by using the records taken on an act during the political campaign for the mid-term elections in 2013 that was organized by the youth´s party. This allows us to account for the youthful image that the party seeks to represent, as well as sociability dimensions that show some horizontality in the relationships between the militants in contrast to the forms of internal positioning.





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