Abuse of Power and Gender Bias in Argentine Political Science Profession


  • Martin D'Alessandro
  • María Eugenia Tesio UBA-UCEMA


Political Science, Argentina, gender, profession, sexual harrasement


The appearance of the gender agenda in Argentine political science is a result of both a global cultural climate and a process of institutionalization of the discipline that includes concern and analysis of the conditions of political science as a profession. The article analyzes the data of a survey carried out on colleagues in political science during 2019 in Argentina, with the aim of making a diagnosis regarding thelabor/professional dimension and the gender dimension in the disciplinary field. The description of the data is organized in three thematic axes: inequalities in labor treatment; situations of abuse, harassment and violence at work; and finally the solidarity that victims receive both  in inequalities and in these latter situations. Of all the circumstances in which female political scientists are most disadvantaged compared to males, the most wides pread is sexual harassment.




